What is the CDE CLDE Requirement for license renewal?
To help better support students in Colorado who are English language learners, the State Board of Education adopted new rules in June 2018 requiring educators with elementary, math, science, social studies and English languages arts endorsements to complete Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Education training or professional development (PD). Educators holding these endorsements must meet the new licensing requirement as follows:
Educators must demonstrate completion of training or professional development activities equivalent to 45 clock/contact hours or three semester hours in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CLD) Education. Educators with previous CLD training or past experience can count it toward meeting their:
1. new English Learner Professional Development requirement, and
2. their 90 clock hours of professional development requirement for renewing their educator license.
What is a CDE Approved CLDE 45hr PD Program?
A selection of professional development providers have been initially approved by CDE to offer programs that satisfy the new requirements for professionally licensed teachers endorsed in elementary, math, science, social studies, and English. Educators who complete one of the approved programs will receive a single certificate of completion that can be submitted with the professional license renewal application in order to receive the English Learner Professional Development designation on the professional license.
RISE PD - CLDE 45hr PD Program:
RISE PD is honored to provide Colorado Department of Education approved CLDE 45-Hr PD programs.
Participants who complete a RISE PD 45-hour PD program will be issued a single certificate to submit with their license renewal application.
Some options below are available On-line or PD can be arranged as an In-Person workshop with a school or district. (minimum of 8 participants and recommended maximum of 24 to 32 participants).
3 Options: Nine Course Program or Five Course Program and a Summer Boot Camp of the Five Course Program
For detailed descriptions for each of the 9 courses CLICK HERE
Three Ways to Complete
Nine Course Program:
9 Courses x 5 hours = 45 hrs. ($30 per Course per participant)
Completion of each of the Nine 5-hour courses will equal the 45-hrs required:
Each course will consist of 4 hours live synchronous session or 4-hrs Face to Face session and a 1-hour asynchronous reflection homework assignment for a total of 5 hours per course.
Online Sessions will be held via ZOOM and will utilize online tech tools such as; Google Forms, Padlet, Peardeck, etc.
At the end of each course, participants will complete a 1-hour course reflection homework assignment describing:
What were the key points they learned in this session?
What does this new learning mean for their teaching practice?
How will they apply this new learning to their classroom? .
For detailed descriptions for each of the 9 courses CLICK HERE
Teachers/individuals: Please visit our Calendar Page to book your spot!
School and District Administrators: Contact us to schedule a school or district wide training hosted by you.
Five Course Program:
5 Courses X 9 hours = 45 hrs. ($50 per Course per participant)
Completion of each of the five 9-hour courses will equal the 45-hrs required:
Each course will consist of 8-Hours Face to Face with the instructor and a 1-hour reflection homework assignment for a total of 9 hours per course.
At the end of each course, participants will complete a 1-hour course reflection homework assignment describing:
What were the key points they learned in this session?
What does this new learning mean for their teaching practice?
How will they apply this new learning to their classroom?
In-Person workshop hosted by a school or district. (minimum of 8 participants and recommended maximum of 24 to 32 participants)
Flexible scheduling available: schedule weekly or monthly sessions
For detailed descriptions for each of the 5 courses CLICK HERE
School and District Administrators: Contact us to schedule a school or district wide training hosted by you.
Summer Bootcamps:
Schedule one week in June, July, or August hosted by school or district ($50 per Course per participant)
RISE PD can provide a week long boot camp of the five Course CLDE 45-Hr. program.
Completion of each of the five 9-hour courses will equal the 45-hrs required: Five Course Program: 5 Courses X 9 hours = 45 hrs.
Each course will consist of 8-Hours Face to Face with the instructor and a 1-hour reflection homework assignment for a total of 9 hours per course. 8:00am to 4:00pm then 1-hour HW assignment.
At the end of each course, participants will complete a 1-hour course reflection homework assignment describing:
What were the key points they learned in this session?
What does this new learning mean for their teaching practice?
How will they apply this new learning to their classroom?
In-Person workshop hosted by a school or district: minimum of 8 participants and recommended maximum of 24 to 32 participants Complete Program in 5 days: Monday through Friday
Day 1 = Course 1: EL Foundations and Laws
Day 2 = Course 2: WIDA / Academic Language
Day 3 = Course 3: EL Strategies
Day 4 = Course 4: EL Assessment & Progress Monitoring
Day 5 = Course 5: Cultural Pedagogy and Cultural Responsiveness
For detailed descriptions for each of the courses CLICK HERE
School and District Administrators: Contact us to schedule a school or district wide training hosted by you.